Although we pray in our own little ways, I guess it is still good to pray for something different for each day. This is a prayer that I would pray during the week depending on what I am facing. Find your place to play and pray sincerely. Ok Ü
Lord, today is a Monday.
I would like to thank you for the bright morning days.
Thank You for giving me a chance to see the sun’s rays.
Lord, today is a Tuesday.
And I would like You to know how much I’d like to say,
“Thank You for guiding me and not leading me astray.”
Lord, today is a Wednesday.
It’s the middle of the week; You still beside me stayed
Even during times when my heart doubted or was swayed.
Lord, today is a Thursday.
Protect my family from harm and keep them safe, I pray.
Give me opportunities to shine for You, if I may.
Lord, today is a Friday.
Even though troubles and trials may come to delay,
Your Word and comforting presence drives them all away.
Lord, today is a Saturday.
Help me to be a great person who fully obeys,
Who regularly walks and trusts in You in all ways.
Lord, today is a Sunday.
Thank You for your new mercies that I’m still living okay.
Mold me, craft me and use me just like a Potter’s clay.